Digital Signature Certificate
What is a Digital Signature Certificate or DSC Certificate? A Digital Signature Certificate is a secure digital key that validates and certifies the identity of the person holding this certificate, issued by a Certifying Authority. DSC Certificate makes use of Public Key encryptions (or say electronic signature) meaning data that has been digitally signed or encrypted by a private key can only be decrypted by its corresponding public key. It helps authenticate the personal information details of the holder when conducting business online. You can contact CAONWEB to purchase a digital signature certificate and other affiliated services such as DSC renewal for digital signature. What is the validity of the Digital Signatures certificate obtained in Gurgaon? A digital signature certificate in Gurgaon comes with a validity of 2 to 3 years holder needs to be aware of the validity so that an application for renewing te the Digitial signature certificate can be made before the expiry. W...